We are pleased to announce that CraftIsArt.com and ProPay are now partners and those sellers with a ProPay Merchant Account are now able to receive payments instantly by taking credit cards directly on the CraftIsArt's Checkout Process (Direct Checkout).
The CraftIsArt Checkout Process (both Regular Checkout and Guest Checkout) allows sellers to collect the total amount from an order before it actually goes through, in other words, buyers cannot complete a transaction until it is paid for, this is also called “Instant Payments”. Other venues do not offer Instant Payments and let orders go through without the buyer paying first, at this point sellers need to make arrangements so that buyers can submit a payment for the recent transaction, meaning that if the seller does not act quickly, a buyer that was willing to pay for the order they just placed may change their mind.
With ProPay, buyers can easily submit payment for any transaction without having to be redirected to a different website to enter their payment and billing information and/or to create a new account, contrary to that, buyers enter their credit card directly on our Secure Checkout Process and are able to complete the transaction in just few steps. Buyers are more likely to complete the checkout process and actually buy an item from your shop by completing the checkout process here as it makes the checkout process easier and faster .
To activate this feature you must have a ProPay account enabled to take payments online, then go to your CraftIsArt account ("My Store > Payment Methods > Credit Card (tab)" and enter your ProPay account number.
For more information or help setting up ProPay you can contact our Support Team or you can ask for help on the forums.
Forum Discussion: http://www.craftisart.com/forums/view-topic?thread_id=1043
For more information on ProPay please visit www.propay.com